The matrices are distributed among process owners and experts in the field of breast cancer prevention. After collecting the matrices, the researcher enters the data into SPSS software version 16 and calculates the mean and standard deviation of each item using the basics of descriptive statistics. The matrix items are then sorted based on the mean scores, and the priority of the proposed strategies and the items agreed upon by the experts are specified. The mean scores of each strategy and the level of the agreement are determined based on the variance of the answers and the quartile range [39] (Table1). If more than 80% of the members agree on an area and the quartile range is zero, the agreement is estimated to be very high. If more than 60% of the members agree and the quartile range is more than 1, the agreement is considered moderate; and if less than 60% of the members agree and the quartile range is more than 2, the agreement is considered weak. The consensus is reached when the level of agreement is very high. Therefore, in decision matrices, when more than 80% of members agree, consensus is reached and the strategies are introduced as the suggested ones for self-care behaviors in preventing breast cancer [39].
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