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Find a Husband After 35 PDF Download: The Science of Love and Compatibility for Older Women

Lord, help my husband to find favor with you and with those around him. May he be a man of integrity who does what is right in your eyes. I pray that he becomes a man of compassion and grace, who desires to help those in his community. I pray that his reputation will remain untarnished as he seeks to honor you with his life each day. Amen.

Lord, help my husband find strength and comfort in the midst of his trials. During those difficult moments, remind him that you are with him always. Strengthen his character and give him joy in the midst of his trials. Amen.

find a husband after 35 pdf download

Lord, I pray that my husband will have a repentant heart. Your word says that those who conceal their sins do not prosper, but those who confess and renounce their sins will find mercy (Proverbs 28:13). I ask that he will turn from sin and turn towards you. May he ask you to seek his heart, and may you lead him in the way everlasting (Psalm 139:23-24). Amen.

In the years I\\u2019d spent as a single woman, I\\u2019d focused on my career. I\\u2019d built a business as a music manager representing artists Matt Corby, Evermore and Lisa Mitchell. I\\u2019d started two technology companies: and Hey You \\u2013 the app used by a million Australians to order and pay for coffee. I wrote a popular blog and gave talks at business conferences where I encouraged other women to strive for their goals. Surely, I had the skills to find a husband.

I felt sick imagining myself listing myself on dating sites like a \\u201Cfor sale\\u201D item at a market. What if someone from work saw me? But behind the fear I felt the emergence of something else: hope. Fifty-two different men. That\\u2019s better odds than The Bachelorette. I wish I could tell you that one of the first 52 was The One. I wish I could tell you that finding love is as simple as sticking to a plan. What followed was 138 dates in three years across Sydney, New York and San Francisco. I made some dreadful mistakes, I got humiliated and I had my heart torn up several times. But I kept going. I made notes after every date, journalling lessons, guideline lists and ideas for improving my strategy. I enlisted a therapist and friends for advice.

I suggested we switch restaurants to sushi, since I could cut time from the date by ordering pre-made food. Afterwards, I began to refine my tactics. I felt yuck telling Julian I didn\\u2019t want to go out again. And I needed to be efficient if I was going to find a husband in time to have kids.

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